Monday 10 June 2013

Roving Rothbury Reporter!

It has been coffee and cake time again followed by a drive in the name of a busman's holiday.

The Coffee and cake stop was at Vallum Farm on the military road. We have been there once before, last year sometime when we had a delicious afternoon tea. Today was just a quick refreshment stop but equally delicious.

 Between the three of us we had two Americanos, which I must say were particularly delicious, one pot of tea, fruit scone and jam and two mars bar crunchie cakes, price went just a bit over £10 but I reckon it was well worth the money.
We also had a bonus there, they have a special outdoor area for dogs, so no need for beloved pooches to stay in a hot stuffy car.

 So puppy dog had a good time there too.

The busman's holiday part was in Middleton in Teesdale, a few weeks back we picked up a leaflet for a little shop called Middleton Crafts, it is a shop which has been just celebrated being open for 25 years. The shop was quite bijou like Coccuveda and had some lovely crafts for sale, again like Coccuveda, The difference is Middleton Crafts is operated as a craft co-operative. It was a very useful visit and provided a lot of food for thought, very inspirational!

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