Tuesday 18 June 2013

Rothbury, A village of Culture!

Rothbury is a village full of cultural richness, we have many art and craft establishments, including Coccuveda of course. We also have our own very popular annual music festival in July and we are still lucky enough to have our own library.
Many villages and towns have seen library services cut with councils having tricky budgets to balance. I hope Rothbury manages to keep it running as it is not only an important place for local people but many visitors use it too.
Over my years as a Tourist Information Assistant I found I directed many folks to the Library, people from far flung places like Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand all with one thing in common, they are on the trail to find out about their ancestors. The local libraries may just contain that vital clue or a key piece of information that fits into the jigsaw of their family tree.

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