Saturday 15 June 2013

Lovely Lunch in Rothbury

This should have been a Friday blog but after closing Coccuveda at 5pm I was out of reach of my computer until I was home at 11.30 pm, so it was a wee bit late or wittering.

I have blogged about recent coffee/tea stops while out and about, here in Rothbury though we also have some wonderful places to go to entertain  our taste buds!
Friday saw a gathering of some friends and me at lunchtime, our venue that we chose to cackle in was Harley''s, one of my Bridge Street neighbours.

We all had a wonderful lunch, some had soup and some of us had jacket potatoes. Harley's is a family run establishment that has lot of very loyal regular customers, who, like me, appreciate their authenticity and their consistently fresh, good honest unpretentious food.

Our Lunch was thoroughly enjoyed by all of us and offered good value for money.
The times I have been in Harley's have always been for lunch so I have yet to sample their wonderful looking cakes. Next time I will time it right  for morning coffee and Cake!


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